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Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dr. Ashish Chutke

(IC Principal, SICS)

At SICS we view education very holistically and we believe in the development of the whole child, thus attention/emphasis is placed not just on the intellectual development but also on the pupil's physical, social and spiritual development. We believe that each student is a unique individual with special gifts and talents and we hope that with motivation, encouragement, and hard work all our students will discover their individual talents.

Our core beliefs about academic success are that hard work, determination, and consistent effort are key elements in achieving success and all of the above is only possible within a firm but fair code of discipline, which we strongly believe in. We are proud of our students and are confident that they will make a significant contribution to their families, society, and SICS.

Thank you and God Bless.

SICS, Helping you build up the right set of skills for your future, Today.
