The Pen is Mightier ..

The Pen is Mightier ..

The SICS Literary Society is a student-run organization that aims to promote a love of literature and writing among the student body. A platform for students to engage in literary competitions, participate in writing workshops, and explore the art and craft of writing. We strive to offer a diverse range of literature from around the world, including both classic and contemporary works, to cater to the diverse interests of our members. explore poetry, short story, and flash fiction etc. and an opportunity to showcase the writing talents. Members can also participate in writing workshops, book clubs, and author interactions when organized, providing a chance to learn from experienced writers and gain valuable insights into the literary world. The organization welcomes all students, regardless of their major, who have a passion for literature and writing to join and become an active part of our community.


Literary Society Core Team

Batch Name
SYBMS Tejal Kanojiya
Sneha Patel
Shreya Yesade
Mahi Singh
Akash Gupta
Mayank Bapna
Alaukik Jain
Malav Shah
Parth Thakur
SYBBI Eshaan Arya
TYBMS Kiranmayi Dasari
Deepashree Jagde
Srushti Khandekar
Sejal Yadav
Varun Gaikwad
TYBBI Yash Palkar
SYBMS Aditya Singh
Amar Verma
Akash Mourya
Hitesh Darshanam
Saif Manihar
SYBAF Tanishq Malkar
Anuj Sharma
SYBSC.IT Mansoor Hussain
Ronit Shetty
TYBMS Wasim Shaikh

SICS, Helping you build up the right set of skills for your future, Today.
